Friday 25 May 2012

AGM Thanks

A huge thank you to all the parents, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who came to last night's AGM. The committee did an incredible job of running the evening and I know we all enjoyed it! I am not sure about your team but I know we thought we should have won the quiz!!!
Congratulations to the newest additions to our Scout troop and to those with their well deserved Bronze, Silver and Gold Chief Scout Awards! And lastly a huge congratulations to Abi, Max and Marika - we are very proud of our Beaver, Cub and Scout of the year!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Bunting update...

We have come to a long total of 90 meters of bunting! Well done to everyone that took part and I hope they all had as much fun as I did! 

Saturday 5 May 2012

Miles and miles of bunting...

1st Crownhill Scout group decided to take part in the Parks Trust world record attempt for the longest bunting! They are looking at 2.7 miles of bunting.

We started the evening with Scouts, Beavers and Cubs cutting and pinning pennants. They all designed their own pennants by stamping designs and our group name and using fabric crayons to make Olympic and jubilee themed pennants.. We then started sewing... We measured the amount we have finished (there's a little more to go) and got over 60 metres. That's about .2 of a mile already! We will update you as soon. We know the final figure and how many pennants so you can collect you sponsorship money.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Sewing at Scouts

Last week, as preparation for our record attempt, we had a go at sewing and making phone/iPod cases. Sara's mum came in to help, as did mine. We had lots of types of materials to choose from (including pink, for the boys). We enjoyed sitting and talking to each other while we made them. Although there was a little problem with getting the right size, we soon had loads of different phone socks!

Bunting World Record Attempt!

1st Crownhill Scouts
In their first World Record Attempt!
3rd May 2012

 The Parks Trust, Milton Keynes, are hoping to break the record for the longest line of bunting in the world which is currently 1.7 miles! The Parks Trust are aiming for 12,500 triangles (or 2.5 miles)  and we thought it would be a great event for the scouts, and parents, to be involved in. 
We are hoping the scouts will be sponsored - either per triangle (for the very brave!) or for participating and we will put the money to good use by renewing our camping equipment just in time for the big camp later this year! The scout with the most sponsors will win a prize!
Thank you, as always, for your support and we’ll see you on 3rd May!
Beavers and Cubs in the Main Hall from 6.30pm, Scouts from 7.30pm

Last Sunday we went to a church parade for St Georges day. I carried the scout flag through the aisle whilst everyone else sang hymns. It was really fun. The Scouts, Cubs and Beavers were all there with Carl, Gab,  Bev , Adam, Sarah and Emma. There was refreshment afterwards made by the beavers.....
YYYYYUUUUUMMM! we all had a laugh at the end dressing up in Kings clothes from a small role play in the middle.