Monday, 4 February 2013

Farewell to Akela

We have some sad news. Gabrielle has made the really tough decision to step down from Cubs. She originally became a leader when our previous Akela stepped down and she wanted to give her son Tom the same opportunities in Cubs that her daughter, Freya, had experienced. Now Tom is a Scout it seems a good time to let someone else have the opportunity to work with the Cubs. Gabrielle has genuinely loved her time with the Cubs and would like to thank every Cub, past and present, for making her three years really good fun, and to thank parents for their support. A huge thanks must also go to the other leaders and committee who are an incredibly dedicated group who work tirelessly to make sure that every child has a great time in Scouting. We wish her all the best and hope she knows how dearly she will be missed!

This means there is a new vacancy to be filled in the Cub leadership. We need to have a minimum number of adults in the hall each week so I will need parents to sign up to take a turn helping out. See me on Thursday night for the sign up sheet.

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