Friday, 21 June 2013

Campfire and AGM

Well we went from a moment of panic with torrential rain, and our Chair person and Group Scout Leader delayed by work to the most wonder sight of almost 100 young people and adults singing "Campfires burning" in no less than 4 sections/rounds. We were lucky enough to have Gary Staff, our Deputy District Commissioner come and join us (I think he enjoyed the hotdog and singing!).

Thank you to all who attended, it showed the leaders that there is great support for 1st Crownhill Scouts and to you, I hope, it showed  we can have fun all together. We asked for help and some new help has come forward on a flexible basis - "when work allows me to come on a Thursday" and " I can do twice in 6 weeks with my shifts", which is just brilliant! We all have busy lives and if we all do a little bit we can make this work so watch out for that parent rota please, also do consider a uniformed role as perhaps a section helper?

We filled most posts on the Executive Committee but would like parents to think about helping out with some of these roles as parents move on with their Young people out of the Scout group. There will be an opportunity for someone to help with the secretary's role in the coming year - fancy sharing it with someone? Have a chat to a leader if you can help.

It a chance to say thank you to all those who lead our Young People with special thanks to Emma, Adam, Caden, Chris, Caroline, Sam and Carl. They are just great!


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