Saturday 19 November 2011

Bulb Planting!

Thank you to all the Cubs who came and supported the local Parish Council's drive to plant thousands of bulbs for Spring. You hard work was very much appreciated!

Gabrielle x

Sunday 13 November 2011

We will remember...

The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts laid their wreath at the war memorial today. It was made with a lot of thought by the Beavers from felt poppies and a very brave Beaver laid it with the official wreath during the service. It was a perfect way for our young people to remember those who gave their lives before and who continue to do so today. We will remember you.

Gabrielle x

Remembrance day parade

Fantastic turnout this morning :-)

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Remembrance day parade

We are at St Mary's Shenley for remembrance day this year. Meeting at 10.30 to get sorted and service will start at the war memorial at 10.45 including silence at 11 and finish about 11.45.

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