Thursday 22 December 2011

Thank you

A huge and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us during 2011 - it is much appreciated by all of the leaders. To those parents who have stayed and helped at meetings, and to those who volunteer on the Exec, we thank you very much. 

We are hoping that you will continue your support into 2012 and in particular we are looking for an additional leader in Cubs. We will offer you training and support in return for lots of fun with an amazing group of people. Have a think over the holidays and if you would like to make your New Year's Resolution to be one where you fancy volunteering we know just how you can do this!
Just a reminder that the new term starts on THURSDAY 12th JANUARY

Thursday 15 December 2011

BIG rock rocks!!

We celebrated the end of term and Christmas at BIG rock climbing centre. The beavers climbed first then Cubs and finally Scouts. They all did us proud and had lots fun! Even Carl, Sarah and Amy had a go.. Super.

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Thursday 1 December 2011

Kick off Christmas

As its the 1st December it seemed sensible to do something Christmasy..

And WOW! what a good job the Beaver scouts made of these stockings, seeing and sticking.. Superb! Roll on Christmas.

We are making gingerbread men next week. Don't forget your aprons.

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Saturday 19 November 2011

Bulb Planting!

Thank you to all the Cubs who came and supported the local Parish Council's drive to plant thousands of bulbs for Spring. You hard work was very much appreciated!

Gabrielle x

Sunday 13 November 2011

We will remember...

The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts laid their wreath at the war memorial today. It was made with a lot of thought by the Beavers from felt poppies and a very brave Beaver laid it with the official wreath during the service. It was a perfect way for our young people to remember those who gave their lives before and who continue to do so today. We will remember you.

Gabrielle x

Remembrance day parade

Fantastic turnout this morning :-)

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Remembrance day parade

We are at St Mary's Shenley for remembrance day this year. Meeting at 10.30 to get sorted and service will start at the war memorial at 10.45 including silence at 11 and finish about 11.45.

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Monday 3 October 2011

Diary changes - Cubs

Please can parents of Cubs check the diary page as there have been some changes to our programme this term to include two trips. I will email parents with more details soon!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Gang Show!

Just a reminder that Gang Show rehearsals are upon us again - if you have never done it but would like to try why not attend one of the 'taster' sessions? 
We have lots of Cubs and Scouts who took part last year and all had a fantastic time - so why not go along? For more information please look at the Gang Show website

Monday 5 September 2011

Quick reminder!

Just a quick reminder that the first meeting of the year is on Thursday 15th September! See you all then - we're looking forward to hearing all about your summer holidays!

Monday 1 August 2011

World Scout Jamboree and Birthday badges

Don't forget the World Scout Jamboree there are lots of videos on YouTube to watch.

Scouts have also just awarded birthday badges to all sorts of people.. have a look and see what you think!

Friday 29 July 2011

Circus Stars Summer Reading Challenge - Hobbies badge

To all the Beavers scouts and Cub Scouts out there.. remember the Circus Stars Summer reading challenge (read 6 books from the library over ther 6 weeks) can count towrdas your Hobbies badges!! Circus Stars the website has games and lots of other thing on it...

Monday 25 July 2011

They're home!

Tired, far less smelly than feared, and full of stories - the Scouts are home from their adventures! A huge thanks to Carl, Bev and Sarah for looking after them so well! Off to the washing machine now!

Latest eta

Looks like the Scouts are on course to return at 7.30pm - see you in the car park!

A few photos while you wait!

Greece doing a colour party for the flag
As the Scouts aren't arriving for ages yet (eta is still 7pm-8pm as I type!) they've sent a few more photos to keep us amused! I think that they might have had another go at the assault course and judging by the photos there has been some score settling for the cheekier ones! As sson as I have more news I will let you know! Akela

More mud! 
Thomas getting his comeuppance!

Rough Eta

Hello! The Scouts are on their way home and the current eta is between 7-8pm. As soon as I know more I will update you!

Updated - Morning from camp!

Morning! Camp is just waking up to the hum of the A38 at rush hour! Last night the Scouts had a melon carrying competition over the small assault course and then hot chocolate, fireworks and bed! Sounds like they're having a lot of fun!
Some Leaders (and Scouts?) slept al fresco - I gather Sarah isn't too keen on waking up! 
As I hear more news I will post it here - especially news on what time they are coming back. Please note times are dependant on traffic and may change!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Severn Bridge

This afternoon the Scouts have walked across the Severn Bridge and back! I gather it was quite a walk! Akela

Lunch is served!

 No sooner do I say I've not heard from camp then I get texts again! Lunch is served by the camp's Bjorn Borg (any similarities to the real Bjorn are wholly imaginary!) 
Today is the day to wear national dress (or some vague reference to a country!) and lunch is being eaten in character too! 
They have made 'crocs' from Australia! 

This afternoon is the long hike across the Severn Bridge - 2 hours walk I understand! I think they may well sleep well tonight! More news as I get it! 

No news so far from camp...

Hi! It's 12:49pm and I've not had any texts from camp today. My guess is their mobiles are out of battery!!! But maybe that they're so engrossed in activities that they've forgotten us!!!

Will post again if I have any news!


Saturday 23 July 2011

Traditional night at camp!

The Scouts are spending the evening with activities and... a campfire!!! Apparently they've learned lots today - so be prepared for lots of stories when they come back! Akela

Dinner is served!

Tonight, Scouts will be dining on fish fingers cooked on wood fires, mash and peas followed by a choice of favours of Angel Delight for dessert (strawberry, chocolate and/or butterscotch!) cooked by South Korea! Sounds delicious! Akela

Updated - Assault Course Time!

The Scouts are on the Assualt Course now! Looks like we were right to send them in old clothes - looks very muddy!!! Akela
New photos added! I gather that some of the t-shirts were white when the Scouts started the Assault Course!!!


Think this one speaks for itself!

Making flags!

The scouts are making flags (weather looks fab!) 
This is the camp entrance!

The day's activities are under way!!!

The Scouts are taking full advantage of the abseiling facilities! Apparently they're having a wonderful time!

Flag break

The Scouts are up and about and have performed the flag break ceremony by South Korea (and I thought they were in Bristol!) The sun is shining and they're set for a fabulous day!
Akela x

Friday 22 July 2011

They arrived!

The latest from camp is:

Here safe and sound. Eaten and doing activites


And they're off!

10 Scouts are winging their way to camp! Carl picked them up in the mini bus and when it was absolutely stuffed its limits with kit we managed to squeeze the Scouts in! They were pretty excited to be on their way and looking forward to a weekend of adventures! As soon as I get updates I'll post them here on our site.

1st Cow Hill!

We celebrated the end of the year with a walk to the Concrete Cows and had fun and games (and a few treats!). A huge thank you to the parents who stopped to help and to the Cubs who devised the whole night! We sadly said goodbye to our oldest Cubs who are going onto Scouts and whilst they will be very missed we know they'll have a wonderful time with the Scouts! 
A huge personal thank you to every parent who has stopped to help, whether in a meeting in the hall or during one of our trips - I really couldn't do it without you. I must also thank those people who came and shared their expertise - from Martial Arts to Astronomy and from First Aid to Cycling - we loved having you! 
A special thank you to Ben, Josh, Freya and Luke who have been wonderful young leaders and really been a terrific part of our pack. A final thank you to my Cubs - you are the reason I come every week and I am looking forward to planning lots of fun for next year! 
ps thanks to Freya for the cheesy title!

In the Oak!!

Well we celebrated the end of our year with a trip round Shenley Wood and stopped to invest 5 wonderful new beavers in the ancient Oak tree.. yep in it!

I am so amazed at what the Beaver Scouts have accomplished this year and they all got lots of badges to prove it!!

Scouting is a team effort and it was great to have lots of parents with us last night.. roll on Septemeber 15th..
Beaver Lightening, Beaver Thunder and Beaver Blizzard

Sunday 10 July 2011

Beaver Scouts District 25th Birthday Funday and Sleepover

Well we did it! We went on a sleepover! To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Beaver scouting our wonderful Assistant Distict Commisioner (ADC) Beavers, Tracy organised a funday and sleepover. all we had to do was take along a craft base.

The theme was "Join in Jamboree", a plan of themes to help all in scouting feel a part of the World Jamboree being held in Sweden this year. In the end we picked March's theme of our environment, endangered animals and in particular the rainforest habitat.

Our bases were tiger plate masks, magnetic geekos onleaves and lots of word searches and crytograms (I like to "be prepared" with lots to do in case of rain!).
Also squeezed in was a birthday party tea and party games, elastic band shooting, sucker archery, football, a 2 hour hike to the blue lagoon with hotdogs and soup and finally a late night showing of Kung Fu Panda. That was only Saturday! Sunday brought sports day and home.. phew!

We had 3 Beavers stay for the funday on Saturday and 16 sleepover, 54 in total for the funday and 35 for the sleepover. For us leaders, Bev, Emma and Adam it gave us a chance to spend a longer time with the beavers and support them in doing new things. We also had a chance to meet up with Furzton, Wolverton, Saints and Netwon Longville Beavers scouts and their leaders. It helps share ideas and have fun together. We are up for planning our own sleepover in the Autumn term so please shout if you are interested in helping or planning.